

The RapidSpellAsYouType control provides "as-you-type" spell checking and autocorrect functionality for System.Windows.Forms.TextBox and RichTextBox and also for derived controls (eg. Keyoti.RapidSpell.AYTTextBox and Keyoti.RapidSpell.AYTRichTextBox) and implementors of the IAYTTextBox interface. Only one  RapidSpellAsYouType control is required to check multiple text boxes per form.






Some members of note are (please consult API docs for more info):

CheckAsYouType  - whether to spell check words as the user types/modifies text.
CheckCompoundWords  - whether to check for compound words, setting this to true is essential for languages such as German which allow for compound words.
ConsiderationRange  - sets the factor for words to consider for suggestions, lower values are faster but consider less words for suggestions. Default is 80. If w <= 1 this method won't do anything.
DictFilePath  - optional file path to the main dictionary .dict file to use.
GUILanguage  - the language to show the UI in.
IgnoreCapitalizedWords  - whether to ignore words with capital letters.
IncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions  - whether the user dictionary should be used in finding suggestions for misspelt words.
LanguageParser  - the type of language parsing to use.
LookIntoHyphenatedText  - whether to 'look into' text with hyphens (-), if the word has hyphens in it and LookIntoHyphenatedText is set true (default), the parts of the text around the hyphens will be checked individually.
Options  - the users options.
SeparateHyphenWords  - whether to treat hyphenated (-) words as separate words, default is false.
SuggestionsMethod  - the suggestions method to use.
SuggestSplitWords  - whether to look for connected words in suggestions.
TextBoxBase  - the TextBox or RichTextBox to check as the user types/ modifies text.
TextComponent  - the IAYTTextBox text box to check as the user types/ modifies text.
TextComponents  - the IAYTTextBox text boxes to check as the user types/ modifies text (legacy, use AddTextComponent).
UnderlineColor  - the underline color to use with mis-spelt words.
UserDictionaryFile  - the user dictionary file, if this file doesn't exist it will be created.
AddTextBoxBase  - adds a text component to the list being checked.
AddTextComponent  - adds a text component to the list being checked.
AutoCheckAllTextComponentsUnder  - adds all eligible text components found inside a control.
ForceCheckAll  - forces a check of the whole document.
RepaintUnderlines  - repaints the underlines, this should be called if any changes are made to layout, such as changes to font sizes, etc.
SpellCheckFinished  - fired when checking finishes.
SpellCheckStarted  - fired when checking starts
SpellContextMenuRequest  - fired when context menu should be shown, allows customization of spelling context menu
WordAdded  - fired when word added to user dictionary
WordChanged  - fired when word changed
WordsEntered  - fired when words are entered by the user
WordIgnored  - fired when word ignored


The AYTRichTextBox control is a sub-class of RichTextBox, this means that it can be used as a direct replacement for RichTextBox. This control has optional additional functionality for RapidSpellAsYouType.


The AYTTextBox control is a sub-class of TextBox, this means that it can be used as a direct replacement for TextBox. This control has optional additional functionality for RapidSpellAsYouType.


As you type enabled subclass of the InkEdit (from the Tablet SDK). Available in the "Tablet Ink SDK Support" sub folder - requires the Tablet SDK be installed.


Please see the 'Examples' section of this manual.